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About Jack and Jill Pre-school

We are a unique Pre-school who have been providing high quality childcare in Westbury-on-Trym, Bristol for over 30 years. Our very popular Pre-school offers flexible childcare throughout the year, offering optional sessional, full day or extended day care for either term time only or all year round which includes holiday club.


We have an established team of professional Early Years Practitioners who have been providing ‘Outstanding’ learning and development opportunities for 0 to 5 year olds through play and structured activities.


We aim:

To provide high quality learning experiences through play in a safe, secure and stimulating environment within the framework of the EYFS, working towards ‘school readiness’ and future progress.


We value:

  • Each child as a unique individual

  • Parents as their child’s first educator

  • Positive relationships and working in partnership

  • Diversity and promoting equality

  • Developing respect for each other and the environment


Jack and Jill Pre-school started in 1982 as a committee run community playgroup in Westbury-on-Trym, Bristol. It has evolved into the present Pre-school with four directors and in 2009 we moved to our current purpose-built premises to accommodate the expanding needs of the school.


Our unique Pre-school has an excellent reputation in the local community and surrounding area. We are renowned for our:


  • Highly qualified and committed staff which include Early Years Graduates and Early Years Professionals offering a wealth of experience and individual skills to provide a diverse learning environment.

  • Excellent resources and a stimulating planned curriculum.

  • Small group activities which include Outdoor Learning and languages and maths activities which develop a positive attitude to learning.

  • Positive and effective partnerships with parents/carers, sharing in their child’s time at Pre-school.


We have three rooms providing age appropriate resources and activities.


The Nest is a dedicated room and outside classroom for babies from 6 months to two years old, with a staff ratio of 1:3.


The Little Ark is a dedicated room and outside classroom for two to three year olds, with a staff ratio of 1:5.


The Ark is a dedicated room and outside classroom for three and four year olds, with a staff ratio of 1:8.


All rooms have an individual team of staff. There is always a SENCo, a Designated Safeguarding Lead, a Fire Warden and a Manager on site. All staff are trained in Paediatric First Aid.

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